Calypso Application User Guide


Keyple provides a card extension add-on dedicated to the Calypso® card technology.

This component allows operating commands with a Calypso card and to manage a secure Calypso transaction in a simple way. It completely hides the details of APDU orders that are sent to Calypso cards and SAMs, which are usually tedious operations.

The main features are:

  • support for different card revisions;
  • object mapping of card data structures;
  • complete management of the secure session with SAMs;
  • PIN code management;
  • Stored Value operations management;
  • card invalidation / rehabilitation.

The diagram below illustrates the organization of a Calypso application based on Keyple:

Operating mode


  • Have a global view of Calypso product concepts (cards, SAM, security principles)
  • Have read the Standalone Application User Guide to understand the main concepts of Keyple in a standalone application
  1. Access to the Calypso card extension service
  2. Select a card
  3. Set up the security settings (optional)
  4. Operate a card transaction

The Calypso extension service

As part of the Calypso card extension add-on, the Calypso extension service is the provider of the API implementations.

The service is accessible by calling the CalypsoExtensionService.getInstance() static method.

CalypsoExtensionService calypsoExtensionService = CalypsoExtensionService.getInstance();

During initialization, it is recommended to check the extension with the smart card service to ensure the compatibility of the different libraries involved.

In case of incompatibility a warning will be produced in the log file.


Select a card

In order to perform a transaction it is necessary to have selected the card first.

To do this, you must create a selection case for a selection scenario by calling the createCardSelection() method.

In addition to the filtering capabilities offered by Keyple Service, the Calypso Selection API allows you to add commands that will be sent to the card after a successful selection (the details of these features are described in the API documentation).

The resulting IsoSmartCard can be cast to a CalypsoCard object which concentrate all known information about the card being processed. Its content is dynamically updated during the transaction. The application will use it to get the data necessary for its business logic.

// Create a card selection manager.
CardSelectionManager cardSelectionManager =

// Create a card selection using the Calypso card extension.

// Actual card communication: process the card selection.
CardSelectionResult cardSelectionResult =

// Get the SmartCard resulting of the selection.
CalypsoCard calypsoCard = (CalypsoCard) cardSelectionResult.getActiveSmartCard();

// Check the selection result.
if (calypsoCard == null) {
    throw new IllegalStateException("The card selection failed.");

Set up security settings

The security settings must be initialized only for secure transactions.

The API offers several types of settings such as choosing the SAM to use, enabling various modes, specifying keys for legacy cards, etc… (see the API documentation for more information).

If the card transaction is to be secured using a symmetrical key cryptographic module (such as a SAM), it will be necessary to initialize a SymmetricSecuritySetting, associated with an implementation of the cryptographic module to be used (e.g. Calypso Crypto Legacy SAM Lib).

The SAM must first be selected via the Calypso Crypto Legacy SAM Lib.

In the case of the Card Resource Service, you have to create a profile extension, specifying the previously built selection case, and then associate it to a dedicated profile in the service (see the Card Resource Service User Guide).

The following snippet shows the selection of the SAM and the initialization of the security settings:

// Create a SAM selection manager.
CardSelectionManager samSelectionManager = readerApiFactory.createCardSelectionManager();

// Create a card selector without filer
CardSelector<IsoCardSelector> cardSelector = readerApiFactory.createIsoCardSelector();

// Retrieve the Legacy SAM API factory
LegacySamApiFactory legacySamApiFactory =

// Create a SAM selection using the Calypso Legacy SAM card extension.
    cardSelector, legacySamApiFactory.createLegacySamSelectionExtension());

// SAM communication: run the selection scenario.
CardSelectionResult samSelectionResult =

// Check the selection result.
if (samSelectionResult.getActiveSmartCard() == null) {
  throw new IllegalStateException("The selection of the SAM failed.");

// Get the Calypso SAM SmartCard resulting of the selection.
LegacySam sam = (LegacySam) samSelectionResult.getActiveSmartCard();

// Build the security settings
symmetricCryptoSecuritySetting =
            .createSymmetricCryptoCardTransactionManagerFactory(samReader, sam));

Operate a card transaction

It is possible to perform secure or non-secure transactions depending on the need. A transaction is managed by a dedicated CardTransactionManager which is provided by the Calypso card extension service.

The transaction manager provides high-level API to manage transactions with a Calypso card. The provided CalypsoCard object is kept and updated dynamically all along the transaction process.

The transaction takes place in several repeatable steps:

  • Preparation of the commands to be sent to the card. Several command preparations can be stacked (no communication neither with the card nor with the SAM).
  • Processing of the prepared commands. Performs all necessary communications with the card and/or the SAM to carry out the previously prepared operations.
// Execute the transaction: the environment file is read within a secure session to ensure data
// authenticity.
    .createSecureRegularModeTransactionManager(cardReader, calypsoCard, symmetricCryptoSecuritySetting)
    .prepareReadRecords(SFI_ENVIRONMENT_AND_HOLDER, 1, 1, 29)

Specific security measures

Legacy card authentication

In order to securely manage legacy card solutions configured with DES or DES-X keys, it is imperative to exchange with these cards in secure sessions only APDU commands for which the size of the response data can be predetermined.

For a Keyple-based processing, this means that the following methods of the TransactionManager must not be used within a secure session: prepareReadRecord(...), prepareReadRecordsPartially(...), prepareSearchRecords(...) and prepareGetData(...).

As these methods could be useful for high-performance identification of some card data, here’s how to use them safely on legacy cards:

  • first of all, exchange these commands before opening a secure session: this enables effective identification of the card data,
  • then, if any of the data read out of session is sensitive and requires authentication, repeat a secure read of the sensitive data within the session, using commands that predetermine the size of the response data.

HCE service handling

In the context of access control, it is necessary to check the validity of the HCE token in order to accept and authenticate card solutions based on an HCE-type NFC service.

While the CalypsoCard API doesn’t directly provide this information, the two bytes of the HCE validity token can be easily obtained using the following snippet:

import org.eclipse.keyple.core.util.BerTlvUtil;


    if (calypsoCard.isHce()) {
      byte[] hceValidityToken = extractHceValidityToken(calypsoCard.getSelectApplicationResponse());
      // Check the validity for the current


private static byte[] extractHceValidityToken(byte[] selectApplicationResponse) {
    byte[] fullSerialNumber = BerTlvUtil.parseSimple(selectApplicationResponse, true).get(0xC7);
    return Arrays.copyOf(fullSerialNumber, 2);




