Build your first Android application


The development of an Android application based on Keyple follows the same principles as those exposed in the Java part.

However, this guide points out the specificities of this environment based on the Android NFC application example provided in the keyple-java-example repository.

We recommend that Android application developers clone this example to better understand how Keyple works on Android.

The application available in the example repository requires:

  • a retail Device with NFC powered by android.nfc library (integrated into standard Android SDK),
  • Android OS 19+,
  • a Calypso card (contactless smart card, NFC mobile phone with a Calypso applet or application).

It uses three main components of Keyple:

Gradle is used as build automation tool, but it is easy to transpose these explanations to another tool such as Maven for example.

Project setup

The dependencies to be imported into the project are accessible with the configuration wizard.

Depending on the nature of the hardware resources required, it is necessary to declare certain permissions in the project manifest file. In the case of the Android NFC example, access to NFC functions is declared as follows:

<manifest xmlns:android="">
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.NFC" />
    <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.nfc" android:required="true" />
    <application ...>
        <activity ... >
                <action android:name="android.nfc.action.TECH_DISCOVERED" />
                    android:resource="@xml/tech_list" />

You will have to adapt this section according to the reader plugin used.

Focus on Keyple specific code

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), CardReaderObserverSpi, CardReaderObservationExceptionHandlerSpi {

  private lateinit var reader: ObservableCardReader
  private lateinit var cardSelectionManager: CardSelectionManager
  private val readerApiFactory: ReaderApiFactory =
  private var calypsoExtensionService = CalypsoExtensionService.getInstance()
  private val calypsoCardApiFactory: CalypsoCardApiFactory =

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        // Retrieve the NFC reader
        val plugin =
        reader = plugin.getReader(AndroidNfcConstants.READER_NAME) as ObservableCardReader
        (reader as ConfigurableCardReader).activateProtocol(
  , "ISODEP")
        // Configure the card selection
        cardSelectionManager = readerApiFactory.createCardSelectionManager()
        // Create a generic ISO selector
        val cardSelector =
        // Create a specific Calypso card selection extension
        val calypsoCardSelectionExtension =
        cardSelectionManager.prepareSelection(cardSelector, calypsoCardSelectionExtension)
        // Start the card detection
            reader, ObservableCardReader.NotificationMode.ALWAYS)

    override fun onDestroy() {
    override fun onReaderEvent(readerEvent: CardReaderEvent?) {
        CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main).launch {
          readerEvent?.let { event ->
            when (event.type) {
              CardReaderEvent.Type.CARD_INSERTED -> {
                // handle card inserted event
              CardReaderEvent.Type.CARD_MATCHED -> {
                // handle card matched event
              CardReaderEvent.Type.CARD_REMOVED -> {
                // handle card removed event
              else -> {
                // Handle other event types if necessary

    override fun onReaderObservationError(contextInfo: String?, readerName: String?, e: Throwable?) {
        // Handle the error


How to fix “More than one file was found with OS independent path ‘META-INF/’”.

Add lines below to your :app build.gradle file

android {
    packagingOptions {
        exclude 'META-INF/'